Focus on deepening the grain seed screening machinery industry and building a brand of grain seed screening machinery

Six elements of wheat seed storage method

  First, a good purity. Wheat good seed to single harvest, single, single sun, separate storage. The variety name should be marked when storing to prevent confusion with other varieties and common wheat; One variety should be stored in one container, not several varieties in one container, let alone common wheat. Drying should be single field single drying, not with other varieties and ordinary wheat in the same drying, to prevent mixing.

      Two, the good water off. Wheat moisture content is too large, easy to fever, will lead to cover the seed, mildew, directly affect the germination rate and vitality of the seed. It is necessary to air repeatedly before storage, so that the water content of wheat seed reaches the safe storage water, and the safe storage water of wheat is less than 13%.

     Three, turn off the temperature. Temperature is the main factor affecting seed metabolism, stored wheat should not be overexposed. Do not sun seed on the cement floor, because the temperature of the cement floor is too high, easy to burn the seeds; The temperature of the warehouse for storing wheat seeds shall be kept below 20℃.

  Four, good humidity off. During the storage of wheat seeds, it was rainy, high temperature and high humidity season. High temperature and high humidity can enhance the respiration of seeds, and microorganisms are easy to multiply in the grain pile, causing fever and mildew of wheat seeds, resulting in loss of seed use ability. Therefore, wheat should be stored in a dry and ventilated place, the bottom of the container containing wheat should be paved with wood, stone and other moisture-proof material. In the storage process should be often dried, timely ventilation.

      Five, the good storage. Wheat seeds can not be stored in the kitchen, so as not to smoke and roast the seeds, resulting in color, moisture reduction, and even fever, affecting the germination rate of seeds; Plastic bags can not be stored, plastic bags are not breathable, prevent seeds from breathing, will reduce germination rate, at the same time, the excess water does not go out, easy to cause seed mildew; Do not mix with ammonium bicarbonate, urea and other ammonia nitrogen fertilizer in a room, due to the high temperature and humidity during this period, these ammonia nitrogen fertilizer is extremely volatile, volatile ammonia will corrode seed cells and embryos, seriously affect the germination rate and seed vitality.

      6. Keep rat and insect repellent closed. The quantity of wheat seed stored by farmers is not large, so cement and porcelain jars are used for storage, which can play the role of rat and insect prevention. Storing wheat seeds hot after drying can reduce insect pests. Control mice, pests, the only way is to use pharmaceutical control, can prevent and control corn elephant (oil), saw grain theft and other pests, every 200 kilograms of wheat drug a piece, with cloth wrapped in seeds about 33 cm, sealed 7 days can kill pests.
