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How to improve the germination rate of Rice Seeds

 In order to improve the germination rate of rice seeds, uniformity and reduce grain belt disease. Rice seeds must be treated in several aspects before sowing. Today, we will introduce how to improve the germination rate of rice seeds.

1. Seed drying

Seed drying before sowing can increase the permeability of seed coat, enhance water absorption, enzyme activity and seed vigor, and can also reduce the concentration of germination inhibitors ( such as : intra-shell amine A, intra-shell amine B, abscission layer acid, etc. ) in seeds. Therefore, seed drying can promote early germination, increase germination potential and germination rate. Generally, 1-2 days before soaking.

2. Selected seeds

Since the nutrients required for seedling growth are mainly supplied by the endosperm itself before the three-leaf stage, the seed plumpness is closely related to the seedling strength. Therefore, the selection of seeds with full grain, grain weight and uniform size is an effective measure to cultivate strong seedlings.

3. Soaking disinfection

Seed soaking disinfection is one of the important measures to prevent and control rice diseases. Disinfection can effectively kill the rice bakanae, rice blast fungus, thin stripe fungus and flax fungus adhered to the surface and body of rice seeds, eliminate the initial invasion source, reduce the degree of field disease, reduce the dosage of drugs, and have a multiplier effect. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked with 4000 ~ 5000 times of ' Soaking Seed ' or ' Shibaoke ' for 60-72 hours to completely eliminate and prevent seed-borne diseases.
